The message was conveyed and the job at the marketer’s end was presumed done. Like an ad was played on TV or radio, the audience watched it or listened to it, believed it. And actually made purchases most of the time. Meaning that prompt increase in sales meant that the message has been successfully conveyed to the audience. The audience did not know and had no ways to talk back.
The entire audience had the same lifestyles and eventually, the buying behavior. It was easier to track your audience.
Thirdly, the audience actually believed what was shown to them through ads.
However, things have changed now. Traditional marketing has not become obsolete, it has rather evolved. Through social media, traditional marketing has got eyes and ears and so has the audience. The audience can, and wants to talk back. And that’s exactly what the brands have learned to do over the years. They have provided the audience, the platforms to talk back to them and share their experiences, reviews and suggestions. Also, the brands are making the most of internet and social media through the ACT methodology.
A = Attract
C = Convert
T = Transform
Attract: to attract prospects to your product or where your products and its features lie.
Convert: to convert a stranger into a consumer or a customer.
Transform: to transform their past buying behavior into future attractions towards new products the brands has to offer.
The attraction phase is the most successful phase of online marketing. Now the question arises, what is needed to attract consumers?
That’s where BOD comes in.
B = Brand
O = Outcome
D = Differentiator
What are you made up of?
How would a brand help you stand out?
You in one word
What do you want to help the clients achieve?
What you can do best to do above?
Your unique selling proposition
These principles are extremely important to online marketing and social media marketing in particular. Consumers are constantly exposed to anonymous data. If you don’t have the right elements, you can’t stand out from the noise and clutter. If you don’t stand out, you can’t attract people to do business.