‘Read More’ Buttons
To understand the mistakes you are making, you need data. How do you know if your introductions are well written? One technique is to use ‘Read More’ plugins after your introduction.
AccessibleCredibleYour webpage has to work on these attributes to provide a well-rounded experience, which would lead to low bounce rates, more time spent on the webpages, use of internal and external links, better call-to-actions, and so forth.
Say you have written your content, and it is ready to be published. Go through this checklist and ask yourself, “Is my content is useful?” If it is not, users will bounce.
Usability is another essential attribute; more specifically, you can ask yourself, “how does my content help others?” I talked about working on reducing page loading times. Well, I should have mentioned the names of ways to do it, such as file compression, limiting page redirects, or using a content distribution network. That way, my audience, you, now have a few names to study to build up your knowledge.
Take all these attributes, put them somewhere accessible on a sticky note, and refer to them every time you are about to review your content before publishing. Improve your content and your webpage by answering these questions.
Bite-sized information
Sadly, our attention spans are getting weaker, and even SEO favors small paragraphs with sub-headings and images with suitable captions. It is unnatural to write your content in bite-sized information because it interrupts the flow of idea generation.
Once you have written everything, divide your content into more minor headings and paragraphs where possible depending on which secondary keywords are available. Do this while reviewing and editing the content, and your quality with skyrocket.
Suppose your data suggests that most of your audience does not even read the article after the first few lines. In that case, you know the problem lies in your introduction, aesthetics, or the overall experience that you offer.